On the authority of Sa‘d ibn ’Ubadah (ra) who said, ’I asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Which charity is best?” He [saw] replied, “Providing water”’. (Ibn Majah)
Access to safe drinking water can transform lives. Water Pump (Single & Double base) The gift of a Water Pump Single Base will ensure that up to 4 families have access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking. The gift of a Water Pump Double Base will ensure that up to 4 families have access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking along with the provision for their cattle to drink water. These water pumps are manually operated and can lift water from about 30 metres beneath the ground. They are designed to last at least 10 years and can be easily maintained by the beneficiary. These are located in convenient locations, often between a cluster of houses. Community Pump With Deep Boring The gift of a Community Pump can serve up to 100 people specially in desert areas, providing access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking, as well as keeping livestock hydrated. On average, these can serve up to 35 families.The pumps draw water from up to 40-50 metres beneath the ground making them dependable during all seasons. Solar Powered Wells (Deserts) The gift of a solar powered water well can serve up to 500 people specially in desert areas, providing access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking, as well as keeping livestock hydrated. On average, these can serve up to 100 families. Note: A well can take up to 3-6 months to complete as in some locations they can only be constructed during certain times of year. Wells may be constructed with a pump or with a bucket at the discretion of our expert teams on the ground, based on factors that determine which is most suitable on a case-by-case basis. Water Pump . Single Base: 150 GBP Water Pump Double Base: GBP 225 Solar Water Well: GBP 2000 Community Pump: 500 GBP